Sort Your Brain Out – Live!

Thank you for delivering an excellent motivational session. Our delegates really loved it and came away buzzing as well. The feedback received was outstanding.


Brain fit for business

Adrian has co-authored ‘Sort Your Brain Out’ – a practical user guide to help people get more out of their own brains. Written with TV neuroscientist Dr Jack Lewis, it’s become an international bestseller, topping both the business and non-fiction charts and helping people from all walks of life get more out of the only brain they’ve got.

sort your brain out

Make better decisions

Adrian and Jack now deliver tailor made, interactive, high energy practical presentations that bring the brain’s inner workings to life, and demonstrate how we can all rewire our own grey matter, look after it better, and as a direct result:

Boost performance
Bring about profound change
Enjoy well-being
Alter behaviours
Increase productivity
Reduce stress
Induce innovative thinking
Make better decisions
Improve memory and IQ
Minimise absenteeism
Stay mentally sharp for longer
Promote mindfulness
Build mental resilience
Develop emotional intelligence

Adrian Webster